Plant Life at Batiquitos

Batiquitos is home to several different plants of various species and types. Learn more about the different plant types below and be sure to visit the lagoon and Nature Center Resource library to learn more.

Plant Fact Sheet

Marsh and Wetland Plants

Marsh and wetland plants grow on the lagoon side of the trail, in the wet areas, or in the lagoon. They are adapted to a fluctuating environment between saline (salty) and fresh water conditions. This pickleweed turns red in the fall then drops its tips off to get rid of excess salt.

Upland Plants

Upland plants grow near the trail or on the higher sides of the lagoon. They receive minimal rain (less than 10 inches annually), and live in cool weather (average temperature: 63 degrees). This lemonadeberry is known for the tart flavor of its seed coating.

Invasive and Problem Plants

Invasive and problem plants are also thriving at Batiquitos Lagoon. This crystalline Iceplant is a sprawling annual covered with tiny bubbles. It has red-tinged leaves and 2" white flowers that open at midday. It is very invasive and will kill native vegetation.

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